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Dental office needs SEO

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Just a quick comment on my meeting with a potential client today. The dental office is open 3 days a week since about 9 months ago as the economy slowed down and the patient’s load became lighter and lighter.  The owner of the dental practice is obviously an intelligent person and understands that internet marketing is probably a way to go. But … is afraid to invest into that technology. Scott (let’s call him like that) says that he is not sure if he can justify spending on SEO optimization of his business website because he is not 100% confident that return on investment will be grater than the investment itself. We all know that most of the times you need to spent in order to make. Yes, the owner of the business needs to spend on SEO optimization in order to see the results. It’s obvious. Isn’t it? SEO takes time and sometimes takes longer than we all want. I don’t  think  these days too many people will disagree with me on the fact that internet is a major channel of advertising and marketing and that you as a business owner shall not only have your web presence established but start the SEO optimization campaign as soon as possible. Otherwise you will be out of the game.

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